Footballers Direct has heard today that Sunday’s England versus Brazil game is back on despite a previous suspension due to concerns the stadium was unsafe.
The football game is rumoured to have been suspended on the grounds that loose flooring and debris left by builders could pose a safety threat to those present at the match. According to a report in The Telegraph Judge Adriana Costa dos Santos had concluded on Thursday that: “Despite numerous requests made by prosecutors, the [safety] reports were not fully delivered, [leaving us without] evidence that the stadium meets the minimum necessary to carry out games or events.”
She went on to say that there was “no way to allow the stadium to be reopened without proof that it has satisfactory safety and hygiene conditions.” However, this morning the suspension has been lifted and a “bureaucratic lapse” blamed for yesterday’s decision.
Staff at Footballers Direct have been left unsure as to what to make of all the contradictions but we had to chuckle at Gary Neville’s response when he first heard news of the confusion at a press conference: “We can play on the beach,” he responded jokingly. But, after being briefed on the matter he refused to discuss it further, simply saying: “We have no authority to talk about this. We are here to play.”
Well, whatever conclusions you come to it seems that the England team will get to play in the stadium after all, since today it is all change again and the game is back on. In a statement released by the Rio state government reassurances that the stadium is in fact now safe and fit for purpose have been made: “All safety requirements for the friendly between Brazil and England have been complied with,” it said.
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